And other frequently asked questions...
Clear Choice Academies, Inc. (CCA) is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization as recognized under section 501c3 of the IRS code. CCA owns and operates both Ocali Charter Middle and High schools. As the parent company of both schools (and any future school expansions), CCA has one purpose in mind - to be the "clear choice for school choice," for students, staff, and parents in the communities where we serve.
What is a "charter school?"
Charter schools are public schools that operate under a performance contract, or a “charter” which frees them from many regulations created for traditional public schools while holding them accountable for academic and financial results. The charter contract between the charter school governing board and the sponsor details the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment and ways to measure success. The length of time for which charters are granted varies but most are granted for five years.
Are charter schools public or private?
Charter schools are publicly funded, just like regular schools, but often have to generate a lot of their own revenue or income from charitable donations, grants, sponsorships, and fundraising events. Most people have a wrong perception of what a charter school is, and often misunderstand how charters operate.
What role does the Executive Director and Board play?
The Board of Directors of the school is a group of volunteers, made up of professionals and community leaders with varied expertise in business, law, academics, finance, engineering, and more. They serve as the head of the organization, and are responsible for creating and casting the vision, mission, and values. They are ultimately responsible for governance and oversight to ensure our schools are safe, financially stable, and meet the needs of our staff, students, parents, and the public. Our board serves in the same capacity as the school board for the county/district.
The Executive Director for CCA is the equivalent of the Superintendent for the district, and reports to the Board of Directors. This position serves as the overall administrator for daily operations, including managing staff, budget, spokesperson for the organization, and backup to the principals, who report to the Executive Director.
Do charter schools compete with traditional public schools?
Not necessarily. We see ourselves as less of a competitor and more of a complementary solution to a much larger problem. Not all students thrive in larger school environments and need more individualized attention in order to succeed academically. In addition, many traditional schools are over capacity, and in order to cut through the red tape to get a new school built to accommodate the demand, it can take 6-10 years at minimum. Charter schools can often be erected in less than 2 years, providing some relief to ever-expanding populations, and meeting the need much more quickly.
However, charter schools do often compete to some degree by providing flexible learning environments, more individualized attention, creative teaching options, and customized solutions - something the larger, traditional schools struggle with.
So the next time someone asks you what a charter school is or they try to give you wrong information, now you know! And you can help educate them on how charters play a vital role in the school choice and educational system.